About Insight Counseling

Insight Counseling Services of Greater Lansing, LCC was founded in 2014 by Julie Shaltry. The company began as a home-based therapy practice serving families and adolescents and is now a 2-location physical practice serving a wide variety of clientele across mid-Michigan. Insight Counseling is a group of independent licensed practitioners with a shared mission and vision. 

Our Mission

Provide every single client, couple and group with a professional, safe and compassionate place to heal.

Our Vision

To serve as a leading group of independent behavioral health clinicians providing services in a way all persons deserve--with the compassion and skill that provides not just better mental health outcomes, but the installation of hope for change and a better life.

Our Values

Our Approach to Behavioral Health:

  • We care for the whole person, see the complexity of each person’s life, and believe that addressing a broad range of human needs is the best way to improve a person’s health.

  • We continuously examine the services we provide and what is needed in the community.

  • We believe that providing high quality, accessible behavioral health is our reason for being. We seek to be a model for other group practices.

Our Relationship with the Community:

  • We have a commitment to serving the community and providing open access for all community members.

  • Involvement by our clinicians in the community enhances our ability to provide effective health care. Improving the community will improve the health of our customers.

  • Partnerships with education, government, and other community organizations will multiply the resources for and the effectiveness of our work.

  • By instilling confidence in our clients, they will become positive forces in the community and contribute to the mental health of others.

Our Relationship with the People We Serve:

We treat each person with respect and dignity.

We are compassionate listeners. We hear the issues of our clients, respect them, and do everything in our power to help.

We provide client-centered service. People who come to Insight Counseling can expect polite, friendly helpful providers who relate to each person as an individual--recognizing their history, relationships, culture, and needs.

We keep ourselves well-educated so that we can apply new developments in our field. We use innovative approaches in behavioral health.

The diverse people who come to Insight Counseling see themselves reflected in our work. We seek diversity in providers and value their abilities to enhance communication with patients. We strive for an environment that reflects diversity. 

We believe that clients deserve to have timely access to behavioral health and our systems should reflect this value.

Our Work Environment:

In all we do, we actively pursue excellence and search for the next level of accomplishment.

We take pride in our work.

Our integrity and ethics will never be compromised.

We are as respectful, friendly, helpful, and supportive to one another as we are to our patients.

Collaboration is central to our work.We have a strong work ethic, yet we don’t stifle our individual personalities.

Fun and humor are healthy for us and for our clients. We intentionally incorporate fun, togetherness, and interpersonal support into the Insight Counseling environment.

Meet Our Staff


Office Staff

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